Thursday, September 9, 2010


Some days all you need is to know you have family. Old family that has been there since day one and new family. New family are the ones you have in your life but never really knew them. I have some that just astonish me with their love for others and the beautiful lives they lead. You know who you are and I really love learning more about all of you. One has been part of my life for years but off to the side and never really known as a person till recent. I watch how you live, love and raise your children and how you compliment my brothers life. I am so happy your lives crossed and the happiness you bring to the family. Then there is a special one that has come into my life I admire as an amazing person that just shines with life. Thank you! This summer the two of you took my little girl and helped her cross over to a young lady with aspirations of learning and the value of family. She had these in her but the two of you brought it out shining. I have never been an open book. Sometimes this feels strange but also good. thank you


Be kind when ever possible. It is always possible
"Dalai Lama"